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What is SEO and how it works: Final conclusions After knowing and how it works, you can now work to make changes to your site in order to improve SEO and also improve your ranking on the search engine results page. Meaning and effectiveness are affected by many factors. Get exclusive marketing tips. Join over 50,000 marketers receiving exclusive marketing tips that we only share with our subscribers. Enter your email address. and relevant to your target audience. Keep in mind that search engine optimization takes time to work its magic. You won't experience the benefits of SEO overnight. In fact, it can take months to enjoy the results of your hard work. However, by following search engines, best practices can help give your SEO meaning. Human visitors is the best way to build a sustainable online business and that will continue to drive new organic traffic to the site for years to come. Are you interested in learning more about how SEO can work for your business? Do you want to build and give meaning to your SEO? If you're unhappy with your search engine rankings, it may be time to call an Atlanta SEO company. LYFE's talented marketing team offers quality SEO services that will improve your search engine rankings and attract more relevant organic traffic.