There are several factors that can lead to this error on both Android and iPhone devices.

One possible reason is a server outage. It is important to check if the server is experiencing any downtime or issues. This can be done by visiting the official website or checking their Twitter account for any updates. In such cases, it is advisable to wait for a few hours as the manufacturers will work on resolving the issue themselves.

Insufficient Internet Connectivity: Another factor contributing to the failure of the update is the inadequate internet connection. If the network speed is slow, the game will not initiate correctly. To resolve this problem, you have several options: you can replace the router, switch to Wi-Fi or mobile data, position yourself closer to the router, or disconnect other devices that are connected to the same router.

Obsolete Application: This error can also occur due to an outdated game. Outdated games lack support for the latest features, resulting in connectivity issues. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly update the game. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the device software is up to date as well.